CML KOREA offers a wide variety of Ercolina machines to help you improve your business.
CE40H3 / Angel Roll
Product Overview
CE40H3 Angle Roll
Ercolina’s CE40H3 angle roll model has hydraulic center roll positioning.
Key features
40 mm roll shaft diameter
70 x 1.5 mm round tube capacity
2″ Gas inches (3.2 mm) capacity
50 x 50 x 6 mm angle iron capacity
Bending speeds 20% faster than competitive machines
Universal tooling set included with each machine
Forged roll shafts precision ground and fitted for maximum performance and minimal deflection
Heavy duty structure and rigid components for high section modulus ratings
Reinforced engineered mainframe design proven to outperform competitive models
Patented by Ercolina simultaneous downfeed and roll movement to minimize deformation
Programmable touchpad controls with digital center roll positioning display
Memory storage with eight (8)individual programs and unlimited passes
Remote pendent with low voltage controls and foot pedal switch
Threaded roll shafts with micrometric flange adjustment helps eliminate spacer usage